Note: All characters and venues are totally fictional; any semblance to real persons or places is merely coincidental.
Synopsis: Reddy meets a new Shanti Naidu.
Munni's LIA - Episode 20
Reddy's mother and sister had met the mother of that girl at a bhajan-satsang and got to know that each family had sent their child to U-of-M, Ann Arbor. They had visited each others' homes and got to know more information about the others' foreign-gone child. As such things were wont to develop, the mother of the girl had given the name and phone number of their child to Reddy's mother and that came to Reddy in that email. Reddy was informed that the girl's parents were still interested in getting her "a suitable boy", although the girl had decided she'd wait awhile, what with doing PhD abroad etc.. However, Reddy's sister wanted him to go and meet this girl. To Reddy that was a directive - a "girl dekko", but not quite, because the girl might not think it was one. He had promised that he'd do it on his own, since "help" from Chennai might make it complicated and certainly, "messy".
It had been more than a year and half since his divorce and Reddy had been living the quiet life with the singular goal of saving money to R2I. However, he wanted to find out if that girl was the one he had helped in chennai. The telephone number he had received from his sister googled to someone named Gonzalez, Patricia. The address for the phone number was an apartment complex on google street view.
On a saturday, he called that number. He heard a female voice "hola ?"
"may I talk to Shanti Naidu ?", asked Reddy.
"Uh..un momentito...por favor" she said, followed by the clunk of a phone being set down on some hard surface. Then he heard her yell out..".Santeee...tu noviooo"
A few seconds later, he heard a subdued voice "hello.."
"Shanti Naidu ?." asked Reddy
"yeess..." Shanti said, she sounded like she was almost sure that he was a telemarketer.
" name is Reddy..from mother and sister are friends of your mother..they also live in RKM Colony..."
"oh..", she sounded disappointed.
"they asked me to call you and see how you are doing...I am just calling to say hello...and see if you'd have some free time to meet ...."
"I am doing busy mid-terms season...have lots of grading work"
"oh, sorry...didn't mean to disturb...but may be sunday afternoon...we can have coffee or tea ...then we can both call home and say we had met and we are both doing well...?"
"mmh.. tomorrow fine ?"
" can tell me where ...and I will meet you..."
"Seva restaurant...they have good tea and you know where it is ?...on Liberty and 5th"
"oh..yes..I about 2 pm ...after the lunch crowd ?"
"yes....that would be fine....I will see you there..."
"oh, wait...I'll give you my cell number...just in case.."
"just a minute...ok......please go ahead"
"it is Reddy...and... is..746-636-8623"
Reddy hoped he hadn't been too annyoying. After all, the only clues of bona fides he had offered were the indian accent and the name of the place in chennai where their parents lived.
On Sunday afternoon, he drove Kamla's BMW. He was a bit early. After he parked, he made an "eee" at the vanity mirror and made sure that he didn't have any distractors on his teeth. Then he got out, and walked to the restaurant. A desi girl was already there in the foyer. She was in jeans and a pullover jacket-windbreaker and had a small shoulder-strap bag. As he walked up, she seemed to be looking behind him for someone. She could be the same bus-stand girl, but in the dimmer light, he wasn't sure. He got right next to her and said,"Shanti ?". She snapped almost like she was frightened and looked up at him,".ye..yes...are you Reddy?". Obviously she was expecting someone different. Reddy said, "yes..I are you.." and put out his right hand, and realizing what he had done, pulled it back to an indian namaste. However, she had put her hand out to meet his, and had to go back to namaste herself. They were both embarassed.
"..are we... two this afternoon ?", the greeter at Seva eased their predicament.
" ..yes ", said Reddy and gestured to let Shanti follow the greeter-girl before he joined behind her. From behind, Reddy noticed that Shanti was taller than he had expected, svelte and filled the jeans quite nicely. Her jacket's collar was up. He couldn't see her neck or behind her ear, where there'd be those white blemishes. Reddy had worn khaki slacks, a full sleeve shirt and his black wool suit-jacket that afternoon. When they got to the table with four chairs around it, Shanti chose one and Reddy draped his jacket on the chair opposite her, but sat in the chair to the right of her.
After he sat down, he smiled with a,".did you grade all the papers yet ...?"
NOTE: unspoken thoughts are in CHEVRONS: < Thoughts > Spoken words are in quotes
"hanh ?...", she said...and then ,"<what ? oh..the freshman-micro exam >...oh..yes...still some remaining"
Reddy noticed that she said "hanh" and remembered how long it took him to shake that off.
He continued on," thank you for seeing the middle of your busy time ...< she is nervous, or distracted by something...not looking at me.. what I can say to put her at ease ? >..."
" is..nothing...< he is so tall...and much younger than I expected...I should have scrubbed my face...and may be put some powder and even some of Patty's a mess !>"
"..glad to hear that...but i am taking up your day of rest...aren't I ?...< what the %^@ am I saying...wish she had a zip-up jacket...that she could easily take off...>...did you take classes and work all summer ?..."
"...yes..yes...both....<..I must take this pullover is hot in here...but don't want to squirm in front of him or have any wardrobe mishap...> are you living in Ann Arbor ? "
" live half way to Ypsilanti...I used to go to school here...Computer Science ...<..I hope this doesnt start to become a work talk..>..oh ..the waitress !"
The waitress took their order. Shanti ordered a carrot cake and Reddy, a cheesecake; they both wanted Darjeeling Tea. Then Shanti got up, said ,"..'cuse me...I will go to the ladies' ..and be back...". Reddy slid his chair back and semi rose, then plopped back down. He wondered if she'd come back with her pullover off. After 15 minutes, she came back. She had her pullover off, stray hairs coaxed down and somewhat of a less shiny face. She was wearing a crimson color full sleeve turtleneck knit shirt that was tucked into her jeans. No belt. As she bent and slid onto her chair, Reddy smiled as he saw that she was quite pleasingly gifted above the waist, but not distractingly so. Her forehead didn't have any melanin-free spots or any indications of coverups. Reddy was somewhat disappointed. However, he was happy this girl had the same name to bring him up to that point.
As she sat down, she began:"<did he just now check out my boobs?..and smile..? >
so are you working now ?....<ayyo...what am I doing with this man...someone might see us and think we are on a date or something..>"
" an accounting their IT department.....just started a year ago...<.how the devil do I move away from this topic ?>.."
"and your family...<...he's likely taken already...> they are all here now ?"
" don't have any family uncle and aunt used to live here...but now they had moved to California..<. this is better...but...may be she thinks I am married with kids...hope she doesnt call me uncle..> I am by myself ..<.well..that should nip that in the bud.>"
"<he has nice large hands...he is not skinny like tall indian guys...may be lived here for many years....and why is he....may be wife and kids in india...that is what he meant by "I am by myself"...sure> long ago did you come to the US ?..."
"almost five years now...I worked part-time and took it took me almost 3 years to M.S. < get back to her history can I ask her about bus travel to college..>..I heard from Chennai that you came here last fall.."
"<what?...who did he talk to in Chennai ?..amma is a blabber-mouth....she probably told something to his amma....and now it is here>...what else did you hear from chennai ?...", she said rather sharply.
"<wow...she is fiesty..not the shy bus-stand girl..> sister and mother would come on Skype Video and when we run out of things...they say something.<damn...I have can I weedle out of this .. > your mom said you were a good in class...and did well in GRE and that"
"<OMG...why did amma tell his mother all that....blush, blush...they had given him everything but my horosco....hey..wait a...has he been sent to meet me for...?blush..blush .>..I am mother is always like that only....she toots my horn to everyone..."
"come get a TA-ship in your first year ? takes excellent GRE scores...<.OMG..I am beating this dead horse too much...give me another opening elsewhere, please >.."
"ok..ok..please fair...this know more about me than I know about you .< DANG ! !!..please...don't tell me why you came here today... he has nice hands .... .thanks for the folded sleeves mister...strong arms ...and not too hairy...and shoulders...has someone been feeding him here in the US
?..but amma wouldá found out..before she blabbed.. >"
" must call me just Reddy...may I call you Shanti.?.."
"oh..sorry...yes..please...< why call me anything.?..are we going to call each other again, or something... I'd like to more than blush meet him again....may be I will wear my churidhar..or a saree..>"
Shanti said,".this restaurant is known for their desserts...<damn..why did I say that?...what am I, a tourist guide ? >."
Reddy decided to stick his neck out,"...I see that you don't come here look nice and thin...<.please, please.. let this go down nicely...>"
"<.well...I like him..he has noticed me...I wish I hadn't worn this dark crimson thing..I hope he hadn't noticed the ....I should'a worn my coral ear I blushing enough..>..oh..thank you...yes...not often..", she looked down with her face turning a little red.
Reddy was happy for that reaction:
"...this is a vegetarian restaurant..isn't it ? are you a vegetarian ? "
Shanti had a piece of cake between her tongue and palate. Reddy sipped his tea and ate his cake and not look at her her until she got control.
After she managed that, she came back,"yes...this is a vegetarian place...but I am not.. we get take out chinese sometimes..."
"we ?", asked Reddy.
Shanti was happy to see his concern,"<I wonder if he has a "we" reference in his life>..yes...Patty and I ."
"that was your room-mate who answered the phone, right ?."
"yes...she is from Guatemala....she has many friends...sometimes she has parties at home....then I see many of her friends....<.someone gag me....please..> from various Spanish speaking countries.."
"oh...I see...and when I asked for you on the phone.....she yelled out...what was that ?"
"Patty is always joking around....she said it was my boyfriend on the phone....sorry."
Reddy tried to smile....and the question slipped out:"..does he call often..?"
Shanti decided that was quite devilish and wanted to see how he would take a non-answer in return:"yes...everytime she hears indian accent...Patty would yell that way only. < take that ...let me see what you do with that >". She calmly ate some more cake and sipped her tea.
"Is he also a student here ?..<..this is going the wrong way, isn't it? >" asked Reddy, now he looked obviously concerned. Shanti noticed his fallen crest !!
"<Reddygaru is wearing his heart on his sleeve !! ...I am in a girl-dekko for sure....should I rag him a little more...or not ? why not ? > no..not here at the U,...sometimes he works at Dell....other times at Vonage and CitiBank", she said.

"..what ? so many jobs ...?"
Shanti laughed out loud:".Reddy...I am so sorry....I was just kidding....they are all from call center desis....whenever they call, Patty would yell out....Santeee tu novio.."
Reddy blushed, that he was taken so easily...and said," is ok...I deserved that !!"
Shanti liked Reddy's blush and surrender...and she said," am sorry....I should have been more serious...when you asked that..< what am I saying...I liked what I said..and I am happy he blushed..>"
" walked into I am sort of glad that I did"
".<hey... is this a flirt coming on ?> glad ? how so ?"
"now I know you don't have a boyfriend...<eh? OMG...what did I just can I be so stupid...>."
Shanti said,".<ok..I am going to say this...and see where it goes..if he runs away..he is pro'lly not worth it > I don't have a boyfriend...and now you know that ....and why are you glad ? ", and she made steady eye-contact and nonchalantly ate some more cake and sipped her tea without taking her eye off of his face.
Reddy had realized that he was not good at this; and this Shanti was certainly not that same shy girl who studied the ground by her foot at the bus stand.
He continued,"..mmmh...what I said didn't really come out right....did it ? <.now where am I going to go... >", and looked lost. Shanti thought he was faking the lost look.
Shanti was now enjoying it:"<how can such a big, nice looking boy be a cluts when talking to a girl, let me throw him a rope..> would you like to say it...then ? .<...I know he expects me to ask him about his girlfriend(s) ...but I am not going to do I ? hahhaw.. > "
Reddy tried to wheezle out with:"oohh...all I am trying to say is that it is quite nice to be sitting with you here...having tea and cake and chatting..."
Shanti smiled and said,"ok...then you will get to pay our bill"
Reddy was glad for that reprieve, he laughed and said, "I was just too nosy ...even without knowing that I was...sorry...I must pay a fine on top of the bill.<.am I forgiven now?>"
Shanti said," < am I going to scare him too much.?..but I will do it anyhow...> scare easy...don't you ? ". As she said that she guided a lock of loose hair over her right ear.
Reddy noticed a white spot on top of her right ear.
He wanted to ask about her undergrad college..but then that would sound like an "uncle", so he gave up. In that discovery, Reddy had lost track of what she had said for a moment.
Then he said,"is that so easy to tell ?"
She switched:"<I am going to leave him mull over it on his own..> you come to campus go to indian functions or meet families .?"
"<phew...she is merciful to drop that .> didn't do that a lot when I was a student...but now I do not know anyone on campus...I think I had missed out a lot by working part-time."
" must come to the dussera festival here....if you give me your address, I will send it to the indian students association..< would he give his address to me ?...does he give his address to girls just for the asking ?>."
"...Yes... let me see if I have a you can have this...": Reddy wrote his home address on the back of his company calling card and gave that to her. Shanti took it and thought "<well...that was a nice move...he told me where he worked ...and as what >", then she looked at his home address. It was in a suburban location of expensive houses.
They had finished their tea and cakes; there were not many in the restaurant at that time of mid afternoon. Reddy asked Shanti," you have a little more time ?....if you do .we can go for a walk and talk some more...<would she come ? if she does, may be I can take her to dinner later today..>"
Shanti thought about that:"<he looks harmless..also why not ?...but I dont want to go to a shopping mall and run into desis...>...walk around this area ?.."
" thought we can go to the know..the nichols arboretum, and see if the leaves had changed..and there is a walk by the river too.."
Shanti had wanted to go there; she had heard about "the Arb" from locals. Now she had an offer from a handsome, nicely-dressed fellow to take her there for a stroll.
"yes...but can I get home by 5 or so..?..."Shanti asked.
Reddy was so relieved...."...oh..sure....we can be back by then...<well..may be I will "ask her out" another day>."
Reddy was certain that she was the bus stand girl, but a more healthy, confident and cheerful version.
After he paid the bill, they walked out. The Arb was a very short drive from where they were. Some of the exposed areas had changed color; others were still green. Reddy had his camera. He had formatted the SD card, so that if he took any photos he can leave the card with her. It was an overcast day but not too chilly yet in the season. They walked in a foot path that went by some japanese maples, the ones with small leaves and sharp crimson colors. Reddy asked if he could take her photo under one of those trees. She was quite pleased and said "ok"...and he took some photos. She even cocked her head oneway and smiled in one of the photos. She also took some photos of him. At quarter to 5pm Reddy asked her if she was ready to return...<why couldn't he forget some of these things>, she thought, as she said,"yes..", but she walked very leisurely back to the car. When he stopped outside her apartment building, it was close to 6 pm. He asked,"...can we meet again...and talk ?"

She said,"<..bite your tongue...don't ask him "talk about what ?". don't you want to hold his hand on the next walk ?....> yes, call me, and if nobody home, leave a message...ok ?..and thanks for today...I enjoyed it".
"< YoooHooo> thank you..and I will", he opened his camera, took out the SD card and gave it to her with a broad smile :"give this back to me when we meet again".
She was quite pleased with that gesture. She felt that afternoon had been a pleasant boy-girl-dekko, if that was what it was. Reddy wanted to see her walk away; but then, after she got out of the car, she stepped back onto the curb and waited for him to drive off. He smiled at her, thinking "<I like this new Shanti>", waved and then drove off.
Synopsis: Reddy meets a new Shanti Naidu.
Munni's LIA - Episode 20
Reddy meets Shanti Naidu v.2.0
In an email, Reddy's sister had asked him if he had met a girl named Shanti Naidu at Ann Arbor. Suddenly reading that name jolted him. Apparently that student had done her M.A. in Chennai and worked as a lecturer for a year before getting a Teaching Assistantship and admission to the Ph.D. Econ program.On a saturday, he called that number. He heard a female voice "hola ?"
"may I talk to Shanti Naidu ?", asked Reddy.
"Uh..un momentito...por favor" she said, followed by the clunk of a phone being set down on some hard surface. Then he heard her yell out..".Santeee...tu noviooo"
A few seconds later, he heard a subdued voice "hello.."
"Shanti Naidu ?." asked Reddy
"yeess..." Shanti said, she sounded like she was almost sure that he was a telemarketer.
" name is Reddy..from mother and sister are friends of your mother..they also live in RKM Colony..."
"oh..", she sounded disappointed.
"they asked me to call you and see how you are doing...I am just calling to say hello...and see if you'd have some free time to meet ...."
"I am doing busy mid-terms season...have lots of grading work"
"oh, sorry...didn't mean to disturb...but may be sunday afternoon...we can have coffee or tea ...then we can both call home and say we had met and we are both doing well...?"
"mmh.. tomorrow fine ?"
" can tell me where ...and I will meet you..."
"Seva restaurant...they have good tea and you know where it is ?...on Liberty and 5th"
"oh..yes..I about 2 pm ...after the lunch crowd ?"
"yes....that would be fine....I will see you there..."
"oh, wait...I'll give you my cell number...just in case.."
"just a minute...ok......please go ahead"
"it is Reddy...and... is..746-636-8623"
On Sunday afternoon, he drove Kamla's BMW. He was a bit early. After he parked, he made an "eee" at the vanity mirror and made sure that he didn't have any distractors on his teeth. Then he got out, and walked to the restaurant. A desi girl was already there in the foyer. She was in jeans and a pullover jacket-windbreaker and had a small shoulder-strap bag. As he walked up, she seemed to be looking behind him for someone. She could be the same bus-stand girl, but in the dimmer light, he wasn't sure. He got right next to her and said,"Shanti ?". She snapped almost like she was frightened and looked up at him,".ye..yes...are you Reddy?". Obviously she was expecting someone different. Reddy said, "yes..I are you.." and put out his right hand, and realizing what he had done, pulled it back to an indian namaste. However, she had put her hand out to meet his, and had to go back to namaste herself. They were both embarassed.
"..are we... two this afternoon ?", the greeter at Seva eased their predicament.
" ..yes ", said Reddy and gestured to let Shanti follow the greeter-girl before he joined behind her. From behind, Reddy noticed that Shanti was taller than he had expected, svelte and filled the jeans quite nicely. Her jacket's collar was up. He couldn't see her neck or behind her ear, where there'd be those white blemishes. Reddy had worn khaki slacks, a full sleeve shirt and his black wool suit-jacket that afternoon. When they got to the table with four chairs around it, Shanti chose one and Reddy draped his jacket on the chair opposite her, but sat in the chair to the right of her.
NOTE: unspoken thoughts are in CHEVRONS: < Thoughts > Spoken words are in quotes
"hanh ?...", she said...and then ,"<what ? oh..the freshman-micro exam >...oh..yes...still some remaining"
Reddy noticed that she said "hanh" and remembered how long it took him to shake that off.
He continued on," thank you for seeing the middle of your busy time ...< she is nervous, or distracted by something...not looking at me.. what I can say to put her at ease ? >..."
" is..nothing...< he is so tall...and much younger than I expected...I should have scrubbed my face...and may be put some powder and even some of Patty's a mess !>"
"..glad to hear that...but i am taking up your day of rest...aren't I ?...< what the %^@ am I saying...wish she had a zip-up jacket...that she could easily take off...>...did you take classes and work all summer ?..."
"...yes..yes...both....<..I must take this pullover is hot in here...but don't want to squirm in front of him or have any wardrobe mishap...> are you living in Ann Arbor ? "
" live half way to Ypsilanti...I used to go to school here...Computer Science ...<..I hope this doesnt start to become a work talk..>..oh ..the waitress !"
The waitress took their order. Shanti ordered a carrot cake and Reddy, a cheesecake; they both wanted Darjeeling Tea. Then Shanti got up, said ,"..'cuse me...I will go to the ladies' ..and be back...". Reddy slid his chair back and semi rose, then plopped back down. He wondered if she'd come back with her pullover off. After 15 minutes, she came back. She had her pullover off, stray hairs coaxed down and somewhat of a less shiny face. She was wearing a crimson color full sleeve turtleneck knit shirt that was tucked into her jeans. No belt. As she bent and slid onto her chair, Reddy smiled as he saw that she was quite pleasingly gifted above the waist, but not distractingly so. Her forehead didn't have any melanin-free spots or any indications of coverups. Reddy was somewhat disappointed. However, he was happy this girl had the same name to bring him up to that point.
As she sat down, she began:"<did he just now check out my boobs?..and smile..? >
so are you working now ?....<ayyo...what am I doing with this man...someone might see us and think we are on a date or something..>"
" an accounting their IT department.....just started a year ago...<.how the devil do I move away from this topic ?>.."
"and your family...<...he's likely taken already...> they are all here now ?"
" don't have any family uncle and aunt used to live here...but now they had moved to California..<. this is better...but...may be she thinks I am married with kids...hope she doesnt call me uncle..> I am by myself ..<.well..that should nip that in the bud.>"
"<he has nice large hands...he is not skinny like tall indian guys...may be lived here for many years....and why is he....may be wife and kids in india...that is what he meant by "I am by myself"...sure> long ago did you come to the US ?..."
"almost five years now...I worked part-time and took it took me almost 3 years to M.S. < get back to her history can I ask her about bus travel to college..>..I heard from Chennai that you came here last fall.."
"<what?...who did he talk to in Chennai ?..amma is a blabber-mouth....she probably told something to his amma....and now it is here>...what else did you hear from chennai ?...", she said rather sharply.
"<wow...she is fiesty..not the shy bus-stand girl..> sister and mother would come on Skype Video and when we run out of things...they say something.<damn...I have can I weedle out of this .. > your mom said you were a good in class...and did well in GRE and that"
"<OMG...why did amma tell his mother all that....blush, blush...they had given him everything but my horosco....hey..wait a...has he been sent to meet me for...?blush..blush .>..I am mother is always like that only....she toots my horn to everyone..."
"come get a TA-ship in your first year ? takes excellent GRE scores...<.OMG..I am beating this dead horse too much...give me another opening elsewhere, please >.."
"ok..ok..please fair...this know more about me than I know about you .< DANG ! !!..please...don't tell me why you came here today... he has nice hands .... .thanks for the folded sleeves mister...strong arms ...and not too hairy...and shoulders...has someone been feeding him here in the US
" must call me just Reddy...may I call you Shanti.?.."
"oh..sorry...yes..please...< why call me anything.?..are we going to call each other again, or something... I'd like to more than blush meet him again....may be I will wear my churidhar..or a saree..>"
A Desi Answer to Gustav Klimpt

The waitress brought their tea and cakes. Reddy remarked,"these look nice..."Shanti said,".this restaurant is known for their desserts...<damn..why did I say that?...what am I, a tourist guide ? >."
Reddy decided to stick his neck out,"...I see that you don't come here look nice and thin...<.please, please.. let this go down nicely...>"
"<.well...I like him..he has noticed me...I wish I hadn't worn this dark crimson thing..I hope he hadn't noticed the ....I should'a worn my coral ear I blushing enough..>..oh..thank you...yes...not often..", she looked down with her face turning a little red.
Reddy was happy for that reaction:
"...this is a vegetarian restaurant..isn't it ? are you a vegetarian ? "
Shanti had a piece of cake between her tongue and palate. Reddy sipped his tea and ate his cake and not look at her her until she got control.
After she managed that, she came back,"yes...this is a vegetarian place...but I am not.. we get take out chinese sometimes..."
"we ?", asked Reddy.
Shanti was happy to see his concern,"<I wonder if he has a "we" reference in his life>..yes...Patty and I ."
"that was your room-mate who answered the phone, right ?."
"yes...she is from Guatemala....she has many friends...sometimes she has parties at home....then I see many of her friends....<.someone gag me....please..> from various Spanish speaking countries.."
"oh...I see...and when I asked for you on the phone.....she yelled out...what was that ?"
"Patty is always joking around....she said it was my boyfriend on the phone....sorry."
Reddy tried to smile....and the question slipped out:"..does he call often..?"
Shanti decided that was quite devilish and wanted to see how he would take a non-answer in return:"yes...everytime she hears indian accent...Patty would yell that way only. < take that ...let me see what you do with that >". She calmly ate some more cake and sipped her tea.
"Is he also a student here ?..<..this is going the wrong way, isn't it? >" asked Reddy, now he looked obviously concerned. Shanti noticed his fallen crest !!
"<Reddygaru is wearing his heart on his sleeve !! ...I am in a girl-dekko for sure....should I rag him a little more...or not ? why not ? > no..not here at the U,...sometimes he works at Dell....other times at Vonage and CitiBank", she said.
"..what ? so many jobs ...?"
Shanti laughed out loud:".Reddy...I am so sorry....I was just kidding....they are all from call center desis....whenever they call, Patty would yell out....Santeee tu novio.."
Reddy blushed, that he was taken so easily...and said," is ok...I deserved that !!"
Shanti liked Reddy's blush and surrender...and she said," am sorry....I should have been more serious...when you asked that..< what am I saying...I liked what I said..and I am happy he blushed..>"
" walked into I am sort of glad that I did"
".<hey... is this a flirt coming on ?> glad ? how so ?"
"now I know you don't have a boyfriend...<eh? OMG...what did I just can I be so stupid...>."
Shanti said,".<ok..I am going to say this...and see where it goes..if he runs away..he is pro'lly not worth it > I don't have a boyfriend...and now you know that ....and why are you glad ? ", and she made steady eye-contact and nonchalantly ate some more cake and sipped her tea without taking her eye off of his face.
Reddy had realized that he was not good at this; and this Shanti was certainly not that same shy girl who studied the ground by her foot at the bus stand.
He continued,"..mmmh...what I said didn't really come out right....did it ? <.now where am I going to go... >", and looked lost. Shanti thought he was faking the lost look.
Shanti was now enjoying it:"<how can such a big, nice looking boy be a cluts when talking to a girl, let me throw him a rope..> would you like to say it...then ? .<...I know he expects me to ask him about his girlfriend(s) ...but I am not going to do I ? hahhaw.. > "
Reddy tried to wheezle out with:"oohh...all I am trying to say is that it is quite nice to be sitting with you here...having tea and cake and chatting..."
Shanti smiled and said,"ok...then you will get to pay our bill"
Reddy was glad for that reprieve, he laughed and said, "I was just too nosy ...even without knowing that I was...sorry...I must pay a fine on top of the bill.<.am I forgiven now?>"
Shanti said," < am I going to scare him too much.?..but I will do it anyhow...> scare easy...don't you ? ". As she said that she guided a lock of loose hair over her right ear.
Reddy noticed a white spot on top of her right ear.
He wanted to ask about her undergrad college..but then that would sound like an "uncle", so he gave up. In that discovery, Reddy had lost track of what she had said for a moment.
Then he said,"is that so easy to tell ?"
She switched:"<I am going to leave him mull over it on his own..> you come to campus go to indian functions or meet families .?"
"<phew...she is merciful to drop that .> didn't do that a lot when I was a student...but now I do not know anyone on campus...I think I had missed out a lot by working part-time."
" must come to the dussera festival here....if you give me your address, I will send it to the indian students association..< would he give his address to me ?...does he give his address to girls just for the asking ?>."
"...Yes... let me see if I have a you can have this...": Reddy wrote his home address on the back of his company calling card and gave that to her. Shanti took it and thought "<well...that was a nice move...he told me where he worked ...and as what >", then she looked at his home address. It was in a suburban location of expensive houses.
Shanti thought about that:"<he looks harmless..also why not ?...but I dont want to go to a shopping mall and run into desis...>...walk around this area ?.."
" thought we can go to the know..the nichols arboretum, and see if the leaves had changed..and there is a walk by the river too.."
Shanti had wanted to go there; she had heard about "the Arb" from locals. Now she had an offer from a handsome, nicely-dressed fellow to take her there for a stroll.
"yes...but can I get home by 5 or so..?..."Shanti asked.
Reddy was so relieved...."...oh..sure....we can be back by then...<well..may be I will "ask her out" another day>."
Reddy was certain that she was the bus stand girl, but a more healthy, confident and cheerful version.
After he paid the bill, they walked out. The Arb was a very short drive from where they were. Some of the exposed areas had changed color; others were still green. Reddy had his camera. He had formatted the SD card, so that if he took any photos he can leave the card with her. It was an overcast day but not too chilly yet in the season. They walked in a foot path that went by some japanese maples, the ones with small leaves and sharp crimson colors. Reddy asked if he could take her photo under one of those trees. She was quite pleased and said "ok"...and he took some photos. She even cocked her head oneway and smiled in one of the photos. She also took some photos of him. At quarter to 5pm Reddy asked her if she was ready to return...<why couldn't he forget some of these things>, she thought, as she said,"yes..", but she walked very leisurely back to the car. When he stopped outside her apartment building, it was close to 6 pm. He asked,"...can we meet again...and talk ?"
"< YoooHooo> thank you..and I will", he opened his camera, took out the SD card and gave it to her with a broad smile :"give this back to me when we meet again".
She was quite pleased with that gesture. She felt that afternoon had been a pleasant boy-girl-dekko, if that was what it was. Reddy wanted to see her walk away; but then, after she got out of the car, she stepped back onto the curb and waited for him to drive off. He smiled at her, thinking "<I like this new Shanti>", waved and then drove off.
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