Note: All characters and venues are totally fictional; any semblance to real persons or places is merely coincidental.
Synopsis: Some secrets get revealed in this episode
Munni's LIA - Episode 29
At home, Shanti told him about her conversation with Sheila and Nikki. She went on about what a wonderful day she had had. Reddy was quite pleased just to listen to her.
As Sheila had predicted, the two of them talked late into the night and early the next morning. They decided when to tell their respective parents that they had met each other, and found each other perfectly tolerable. And as Sheila had asked, Shanti kept Reddy at home until after breakfast and she got ready to go shopping on Black Friday.
Synopsis: Some secrets get revealed in this episode
Munni's LIA - Episode 29
Family Secrets
Reddy found Sheila on the living room sofa looking at her laptop screen.
When Reddy came close to her, She looked up and winked:" afternoon delights….cousin ?"
Reddy sat down next to her and replied,"…huh ?……just a nap….and…by the way, thanks for telling that bus-stand story to Shanti…"
Sheila asked very seriously,"no problems with that ….is there ?"
Reddy assured,"no…no….I could never find the right way to tell her some of the old stories….and I was so glad when Shanti told me she heard it from you."
Sheila said,"…pheew…that is nice…Shanti is a sweet girl…don't let her get away …"
Reddy replied,"……not this time…I have asked her to marry me…."
Sheila jumped up a little, almost dropping her laptop on the floor; then she smiled big and punched his arm with her left fist:"well done…cousin…when did you ask ?....but I didn't see any ring on her hand…"
Reddy said,"…well..she is going to think about it some more…"
Sheila promised him,"I think she's done all the thinking already….she two have an "understanding"....we are going shopping tomorrow….you know…our Black Friday thing….may be we will take her with us to a jewelers and find out what she likes….and her ring size….then you can go and buy that later…."
Reddy smiled,"Sheila..that would be great…I could just kiss you…"
Sheila stuck out her chin,"…why don't you ?"
Reddy kissed her on her cheek and smiled ear to ear.
Sheila smiled with,"…I am gonna wake up my girls soon…you better go and wake up yours…..otherwise they wont be able to sleep at night."
Reddy said,"I will go and make some tea…for everyone…"
Sheila said,"dad was already in the kitchen…doing something…I think Kamla sent him to make tea….go and see what he is upto"
Reddy went to the kitchen, and saw the Russian Samovar connected to the wall socket and the tea concentrate ready. It seemed like Benny had taken tea to his wife already. Reddy mixed milk and tea in 3 mugs, and went to Sheila and gave her one. Then he went upstairs and woke up Shanti. Shanti was somewhat confused and disoriented. Reddy was amused to see her sleepy face; and thought that leading a firing squad and executing people would be tiresome business. Then she sat up on the bed, and took the tea mug and sipped and asked him what time it was.
"getting close to 7 now", he said.
Shanti got a bit anxious,".you have to take me back home, no ?".
Reddy said,"yes….if you want to…I can take you back…sure", then he added,"you know…it is sort of a tradition for Kamla and girls to go shopping tomorrow….Sheila asked me if you would also go with them…".
"Really ?", asked Shanti, very pleased. She liked the idea of hanging out with Sheila; but then she had not brought any change of clothes. And besides, there is the "sleeping-over arrangements issue", as she was not really ready to acknowledge that she "knew" Reddy to any others yet. And besides, in Shanti's eye, Kamla and Sheila are desis and future in-laws, although neither of these women had ever been in des, or know any of the desi feelings or hangups.
She asked,"…can you come and get me tomorrow morning, so that I can join them ?"
Reddy understood and said,"…sure".
After sometime, Shanti went to the bathroom to wash her face. Reddy took the mugs down. He saw Sheila and Nikki at the dining table. Aishwarya was sitting on the dining table in front of Sheila working on being awake. She had a plastic spout-lid cup in her hand. Nikki had the laptop open. Reddy joined them and sat next to Nikki and just to start a conversation, he asked Nikki, "so…working on holidays too…huh ?"
Nikki answered,"no…no….just goofing around…looking at wedding pictures…"
Reddy asked,"…your wedding ? ….may I see ?". Reddy was curious.
Reddy didn't notice Nikki looking at Sheila and Sheila raising her eyebrows and narrowing her eyes in mild anxiety.
Nikki said,"why not…take a look…", and moved the laptop in front of Reddy.
Reddy saw photos of Nikki in a white wedding gown.
Nikki annotated,"...that is greek style, my grandma wore that head veil".
In almost all of the photos, Sheila was there too standing next to Nikki in a dark crimson gujarati wedding sari. At first Reddy thought Sheila was a bride's maid dressed in her ethnic outfit. And after about 10 or so photos…and seeing no groom anywhere….he realized the nature of the wedding. He smiled and looked up at Sheila and said,"…mmmmh…congratulations Sheila…I am happy for you both…". Sheila was visibly relieved at that reaction. She replied,"…thanks cousin…we can only show those photos to good friends and family….thanks". Reddy said,"…no …no….thank you for sharing…".
Then, just to emphasize his appreciation, he decided to look at some of the photos in detail. And when he did that, he noticed another face in the photo he recognized. A woman in a tuxedo suit standing behind Nikki in many of the photos. He moved the laptop back to Nikki and asked her who that was in many photos standing behind her. Nikki said,"…oh…that is …my cousin…Samanta Russell….we call her Sam…..she is an attorney..". Reddy moved the laptop back and zoomed to look at Sam's face.
It was the same attorney who had asked over and over and over again in a meeting room in a Detroit law-office,"….do you understand that provision, Mr. Reddy ? and Ms. Olander ?….if you do, could you each say "yes, I understand", and sign on this line, please".
For a few minutes Reddy could not understand anything around him: he looked at Aishwarya all over again, as if for the first time. Aishwarya was biting the spout of the cup in her mouth and and looked back at him. Those green eyes !! Then Aishwarya pulled the spout off her mouth and said," tea " and extended the cup to him.
Reddy's heart jumped to his mouth. Reddy realized that those eyes and that gesture with the cup were a miniaturized version of the same thing he had experienced when painting an apartment many years ago: He had sat on the floor and the green eyed girl, in babushka, poured him coffee from a flask and extended the cup to him with a smile. Reddy put his hand out and held one ear of the cup and Aishwarya let go the other ear, and clapped her hand and smiled. Sheila said,"she likes both you and Shanti….". Reddy came back to earth and said to Sheila,"…yes…I like her too…how old is she now ?", and gave Aishwarya her cup back. Sheila replied,"she is two", and added,"Aish, what do you say to the uncle ?". The child smiled at Reddy and said,"thank you". Reddy got up,"…excuse me…I am going to go for a walk….will be back shortly…". Aishwarya saw him get up and said,"bye..bye", and waved her hand. He got up, walked to the foyer, got his jacket, put on his shoes quickly and walked out. He walked fast at first, and then slowed down to a normal pace.
Reddy thought back and could understand how Benny had managed to find an adoptive parent client for Ana as quickly as he was able to. He wondered who besides Samanta Russell and Benny would know Ana was the mother of Aishwarya, and he, the father. Knowing Benny, Reddy was sure that no one else would know. Reddy was glad that Sheila, someone he admired and respected, someone in his own family, turned out to be the mother of that child. He was happy that somehow providence had found the best mother for that child. He knew he couldn't go and thank Benny for that help. He also knew that he had to keep his knowledge to himself. Aside from preserving the peace and happiness of many who are dear to him, he also had that signed legal document relinquishing his parental rights to Aishwarya. After wandering a few blocks and reasonably settled in his mind, Reddy headed back home.
For a few minutes Reddy could not understand anything around him: he looked at Aishwarya all over again, as if for the first time. Aishwarya was biting the spout of the cup in her mouth and and looked back at him. Those green eyes !! Then Aishwarya pulled the spout off her mouth and said," tea " and extended the cup to him.
Reddy's heart jumped to his mouth. Reddy realized that those eyes and that gesture with the cup were a miniaturized version of the same thing he had experienced when painting an apartment many years ago: He had sat on the floor and the green eyed girl, in babushka, poured him coffee from a flask and extended the cup to him with a smile. Reddy put his hand out and held one ear of the cup and Aishwarya let go the other ear, and clapped her hand and smiled. Sheila said,"she likes both you and Shanti….". Reddy came back to earth and said to Sheila,"…yes…I like her too…how old is she now ?", and gave Aishwarya her cup back. Sheila replied,"she is two", and added,"Aish, what do you say to the uncle ?". The child smiled at Reddy and said,"thank you". Reddy got up,"…excuse me…I am going to go for a walk….will be back shortly…". Aishwarya saw him get up and said,"bye..bye", and waved her hand. He got up, walked to the foyer, got his jacket, put on his shoes quickly and walked out. He walked fast at first, and then slowed down to a normal pace.
Reddy thought back and could understand how Benny had managed to find an adoptive parent client for Ana as quickly as he was able to. He wondered who besides Samanta Russell and Benny would know Ana was the mother of Aishwarya, and he, the father. Knowing Benny, Reddy was sure that no one else would know. Reddy was glad that Sheila, someone he admired and respected, someone in his own family, turned out to be the mother of that child. He was happy that somehow providence had found the best mother for that child. He knew he couldn't go and thank Benny for that help. He also knew that he had to keep his knowledge to himself. Aside from preserving the peace and happiness of many who are dear to him, he also had that signed legal document relinquishing his parental rights to Aishwarya. After wandering a few blocks and reasonably settled in his mind, Reddy headed back home.
Shanti came down and found the three girls at the dining table. She sat next to Sheila. Sheila asked her,"..would you like some more tea". When Shanti said "yes", Sheila made an eye signal to Nikki. As Nikki got up, Shanti went,"…no…no, I can go and get it …", and followed Nikki into the kitchen. Nikki said,"…I need the exercise…I haven't walked anywhere all day….may be I should'a gone walking with Reddy…"
"Reddy went for a walk ?", asked Shanti.
"yes…he left just a couple of minutes ago….sitting around and eating a big meal…he must have been antsy all day….", said Sheila.
"yes….he plays basketball on Thursdays….may be missed the exercise..", said Shanti.
"here…", Nikki handed Shanti the masala tea, and asked,"do you take sugar ?"
"No", said Shanti,"this is fine"
Then both Nikki and Shanti came back to the table and sat down.
For a long minute, there was no conversation. Shanti sipped her tea, and smiled at Sheila. Then Shanti decided to break that awkward silence, and asked Nikki,"…so.. what does your husband do ?", a perfectly acceptable question to ask a pregnant woman acquaintance in a social context.
For a moment, Nikki seemed perplexed. Then she smiled and pointed to her own stomach and asked,"….you mean….besides making this ?", and giggled.
Sheila, playfully snapped at Nikki,"….stop kidding around, will'ya?"
Shanti was a bit embarrassed for having asked her question, even though she didn't understand what the issue could be. She was about to say,"sorry", but then Nikki went on,"Sheel…can I tell her about Wally and the Beaver ?"
"Nan !! quit that !!", Sheila cried.
"Oh…Shanti…Nan is short for Nicola Alessandra Niebaum….when Sheila gets annoyed at me…she calls me Nan, you know, like a Nanny, the old woman who takes care of British Brats...", explained Nikki.
Shanti realized that she had spurred on some private joke or argument between the two friends. She wondered what it was.
"Shanti, it is a med-school joke….I can explain that to you later", said Sheila.
Nikki went on with a smirk,"do you, Nicola Alessandra Niebaum, take this Wallace Soft-tip Cathe…"
Sheila threw a balled up paper towel she had used to wipe Aishwarya's face at Nikki,"stop it…OK ?…explain it to her nicely….or I let me do it.."
Nikki started laughing, her eyes watering in mirth,"ok…ok…I'll stop. This laughing is painful". Holding her stomach, Nikki got off the chair, went around, and stood up holding the back of the chair, still midly shaking with laughter.
Shanti was completely confused.
Sheila took a deep breath and gave Shanti a very clear and succinct explanation of the Wallace Catheter and how it is used at a fertility clinic. At the end, Nikki said,"Sheel, you made the whole thing sound so boring…" and made a sad-face, followed by a mischevous smile. Shanti was amazed at how such a private thing could be talked about in America so openly, whereas how much income someone earned was held confidential and secret. Shanti didn't know what to say. However, she said,"thank you", to Sheila and blushed.
Aishwarya came to Shanti and and put her hands out to be picked up. Sheila said,"next week after we get back home…this could be trouble for us...she is going to want this nice singing auntie again". Everyone laughed.
Nikki, still standing behind the chair, asked Shanti,"…are you coming shopping with us tomorrow ?"
Shanti replied,"yes..I can. I asked Reddy to come and pick me up tomorrow and bring me here…."
Sheila didn't understand that; then she realized,"….you are going back to your place tonight ? why ?"
Shanti went,"…well…I would like to…", and pointedly ignored the why.
Sheila said, "my dad….Benny had made a soup and a salad; if anyone is hungry ….you must eat something before you go..Shanti"
Shanti was pleased at Sheila's deft change in the conversation instead of insisting that she stay the night. She said,"yes…that would be nice.."

Nikki went to the kitchen and placed several half sliced french bread in the toaster oven to toast. Then brought two bowls of soup and a plate of mixed green salad with balsamic vinegar, spices and oil dressing. She made another trip to get milk in the spout-top cup for Aishwarya and a 50:50 cocktail of wine and Fresca for Shanti. When the toasts were ready, Nikki made another trip to kitchen and brought back, toasts, butter and corn chips to the table. Shanti had soup and salad with toast and Aishwarya had soup with corn chips.
"Seeee, auntie is eating her soup nicely…", was the refrain that Sheila used to feed Aishwarya spoonfuls of soup, in between the counts of "one for mommy, one for Nikki, one for Kamla, etc..", and pretending to lose count with the refrain about the auntie. Shanti thought it was entertaining to be an "example" in a baby-feeding routine. Shanti liked that pleasant family moment. Being fed with the baby of the home, made her feel nostalgic; since she left Chennai, she had lost the benefits of nice family moments as well as being the youngest in the house.
Shanti had put all the stray pieces of information together and concluded that these two Independent women, both doctors, have a life together, in whatever style, the older Sheila adopting a child and the younger Nikki experiencing her own motherhood. Shanti was happy that she will have more opportunities to develop her friendships with these two.
Nikki noticed Reddy coming in and announced,"Ma'am...your driver is here". Shanti laughed and and said,"he is the best there is...and besides, I got good references from Sheila". Sheila joined in the laugh. Reddy joined them and asked,"what is happening?".
"Reddy went for a walk ?", asked Shanti.
"yes…he left just a couple of minutes ago….sitting around and eating a big meal…he must have been antsy all day….", said Sheila.
"yes….he plays basketball on Thursdays….may be missed the exercise..", said Shanti.
"here…", Nikki handed Shanti the masala tea, and asked,"do you take sugar ?"
"No", said Shanti,"this is fine"
Then both Nikki and Shanti came back to the table and sat down.
For a long minute, there was no conversation. Shanti sipped her tea, and smiled at Sheila. Then Shanti decided to break that awkward silence, and asked Nikki,"…so.. what does your husband do ?", a perfectly acceptable question to ask a pregnant woman acquaintance in a social context.
For a moment, Nikki seemed perplexed. Then she smiled and pointed to her own stomach and asked,"….you mean….besides making this ?", and giggled.
Sheila, playfully snapped at Nikki,"….stop kidding around, will'ya?"
Shanti was a bit embarrassed for having asked her question, even though she didn't understand what the issue could be. She was about to say,"sorry", but then Nikki went on,"Sheel…can I tell her about Wally and the Beaver ?"
"Nan !! quit that !!", Sheila cried.
"Oh…Shanti…Nan is short for Nicola Alessandra Niebaum….when Sheila gets annoyed at me…she calls me Nan, you know, like a Nanny, the old woman who takes care of British Brats...", explained Nikki.
Shanti realized that she had spurred on some private joke or argument between the two friends. She wondered what it was.
"Shanti, it is a med-school joke….I can explain that to you later", said Sheila.
Nikki went on with a smirk,"do you, Nicola Alessandra Niebaum, take this Wallace Soft-tip Cathe…"
Sheila threw a balled up paper towel she had used to wipe Aishwarya's face at Nikki,"stop it…OK ?…explain it to her nicely….or I let me do it.."
Nikki started laughing, her eyes watering in mirth,"ok…ok…I'll stop. This laughing is painful". Holding her stomach, Nikki got off the chair, went around, and stood up holding the back of the chair, still midly shaking with laughter.
Shanti was completely confused.
Sheila took a deep breath and gave Shanti a very clear and succinct explanation of the Wallace Catheter and how it is used at a fertility clinic. At the end, Nikki said,"Sheel, you made the whole thing sound so boring…" and made a sad-face, followed by a mischevous smile. Shanti was amazed at how such a private thing could be talked about in America so openly, whereas how much income someone earned was held confidential and secret. Shanti didn't know what to say. However, she said,"thank you", to Sheila and blushed.
Aishwarya came to Shanti and and put her hands out to be picked up. Sheila said,"next week after we get back home…this could be trouble for us...she is going to want this nice singing auntie again". Everyone laughed.
Nikki, still standing behind the chair, asked Shanti,"…are you coming shopping with us tomorrow ?"
Shanti replied,"yes..I can. I asked Reddy to come and pick me up tomorrow and bring me here…."
Sheila didn't understand that; then she realized,"….you are going back to your place tonight ? why ?"
Shanti went,"…well…I would like to…", and pointedly ignored the why.
Sheila said, "my dad….Benny had made a soup and a salad; if anyone is hungry ….you must eat something before you go..Shanti"
Shanti was pleased at Sheila's deft change in the conversation instead of insisting that she stay the night. She said,"yes…that would be nice.."
Nikki went to the kitchen and placed several half sliced french bread in the toaster oven to toast. Then brought two bowls of soup and a plate of mixed green salad with balsamic vinegar, spices and oil dressing. She made another trip to get milk in the spout-top cup for Aishwarya and a 50:50 cocktail of wine and Fresca for Shanti. When the toasts were ready, Nikki made another trip to kitchen and brought back, toasts, butter and corn chips to the table. Shanti had soup and salad with toast and Aishwarya had soup with corn chips.
"Seeee, auntie is eating her soup nicely…", was the refrain that Sheila used to feed Aishwarya spoonfuls of soup, in between the counts of "one for mommy, one for Nikki, one for Kamla, etc..", and pretending to lose count with the refrain about the auntie. Shanti thought it was entertaining to be an "example" in a baby-feeding routine. Shanti liked that pleasant family moment. Being fed with the baby of the home, made her feel nostalgic; since she left Chennai, she had lost the benefits of nice family moments as well as being the youngest in the house.
Shanti had put all the stray pieces of information together and concluded that these two Independent women, both doctors, have a life together, in whatever style, the older Sheila adopting a child and the younger Nikki experiencing her own motherhood. Shanti was happy that she will have more opportunities to develop her friendships with these two.
Nikki noticed Reddy coming in and announced,"Ma'am...your driver is here". Shanti laughed and and said,"he is the best there is...and besides, I got good references from Sheila". Sheila joined in the laugh. Reddy joined them and asked,"what is happening?".
"We are giving thanks....for the nice family, good food and for the shopping fun tomorrow", said Sheila.
Shanti asked,"Reddy, would you like to have something to eat before we go ?"
Reddy replied,"I am not hungry yet; I can eat after I get back."
"ok", said Shanti,"I will go down, say goodbye to Kamla and be back, then"
Sheila asked Nikki to mind Aishwarya and went into the kitchen. She made a large French-bread sandwich with salad, cheese and turkey slices and wrapped it in aluminium foil, filled a ziploc bag with corn-chips and placed them in a bag. She took the bag and walked down the stairs to the basement and met up with Shanti as she was about to climb up. Sheila had a private word with Shanti:"Shanti, here is a turkey sandwich for my cousin; after you get home and you two go on talking and what-not <wink>, and it gets late, dont let him drive home, unless he really really wants to. There are just too many drunks on the road on a day like this. Give him the sandwich and keep him with you; you can both come back tomorrow morning". Then she hugged and kissed Shanti. Shanti was surprised by Sheila's concern for her Reddy: "Sheila, that is so thoughtful....both Reddy and I are lucky to have a sister like you...thank you so much", said Shanti holding both of Sheila's hand. Sheila smiled back and said,"let's go up now".
Sheila and Nikki (carrying Aishwarya) came out to their front door to see Shanti and Reddy off. Shanti kissed each one of them and took her leave. Aishwarya said,"bye bye" and waved until the two got into their car and drove off.
When they were on the way, Shanti said,"Reddy, I know why I should marry you now, even though...."
Reddy asked,"why? because you love me ?"
Shanti joked,"well...may be some of that....", and added,"I love your family....especially cousin Sheila".
Reddy smiled and said,"Happy Thanksgiving, Shanti".
Shanti agreed,"yes, for sure, it is."
At home, Shanti told him about her conversation with Sheila and Nikki. She went on about what a wonderful day she had had. Reddy was quite pleased just to listen to her.
As Sheila had predicted, the two of them talked late into the night and early the next morning. They decided when to tell their respective parents that they had met each other, and found each other perfectly tolerable. And as Sheila had asked, Shanti kept Reddy at home until after breakfast and she got ready to go shopping on Black Friday.
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