Note: All characters and venues are totally fictional; any semblance to real persons or places is merely coincidental.
Synopsis: Shanti reconciles and rejoins Reddy.
Munni's LIA - Episode 26
Shanti sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't know what had happened. That morning she was happy, in love, working hard to make the brunch for her dear Reddy, and had perfect control of things. In the evening, she had her head buried in her pillow, in tears, and was completely at a loss as to what her life was about. She wondered how Reddy could come in to her life, hug and kiss her a few times and then completely destroy her life. She had prayed to Sri Venkateshwara in Tirupathi that she will come there and pray, if Reddy's past secret had nothing to do with some incurable disease. And she'd do that, she had promised herself, even if Reddy had found the image of her body distasteful and decided never to see her again. She couldn't understand what had happened to her, to send her dear Reddy away, almost as if she did not want to see him again.
Suddenly she realized the cause of her misery. She had behaved like a "normal" young woman, something she could not ever afford. She had vitiligo!! Her chances of getting married to someone like Reddy, were very small to nil. Her father had spent money on laser treatments just to erase one small spot on her forehead, so that her problem was not so visible in a girl-dekko. She thought of her father,< ayyoo paavam…appa is like Mr. Bennet(from Pride and Prejudice)….he couldn't see me married off to some stupid person ….not to an old person, and certainly not to someone with children so that I will be a nurse-maid and slave for the rest of my life….he spent money on my M.A. and asked me to apply to foreign universities….he wanted me to escape and go far far away..and may be completely turn white and blend in with the locals…..>. She thought of her family in Chennai and felt homesick and lonely. She wanted to hug her mother and cry. And she remembered her first love.
Many years ago, when she had started going to college, one lanky boy at the bus-stand helped her board the bus to college every morning(episode 9). He did that everyday, for several months. He was tall and skinny. She remembered he had a mustache and a big nose. He wore nicely laundered clothes, and did not carry a book bag like a student. When Shanti and he were plastered against each other in the crowd of a bus, she could practically count his ribs: he was skinny. In those days, she had often dreamed about him….sometimes, even in class. That boy worked in some office job, and got off the bus before her college bus-stop. She had dreamed that one day he will come to her father and ask for her hand in marriage; then she would go away with him, she would cook and feed him well, and they would live happily ever after. However, what really happened was different: one day, he told her that he was going off to america. On an impulse she had given him her name and address so that he could write her letters. He never told her what his name was. She was too shy to ask. Later, she had thought she'd find out his name from his letters anyhow. She hoped he would write her long love letters and she would wait for him until he came back with his M.S. and got a job in Chennai. However, he never wrote any letters; he never came back with his M.S., got a job and married her. Shanti now realized that the boy from the bus-stand was her Boris. Someone who made a girl love him so dearly, and then suddenly went away and disappeared forever. Shanti cried a lot after her bus-stand Boris went away; she refused to go to college in a bus. Her brother bought her a 2nd hand moped so that she could go to college. She felt so sorry for her brother,< ayyo paavam…anna....I don't know what he had saved the money for…ended up buying me a 2 wheeler….all because of that nasty Boris..> she thought.
Then her thoughts ran back to her dear Reddy, who was not really like Boris of the bus-stand. Reddy was kind, gentle, and affectionate. Reddy was also strong, muscular and quite nice to hug. He loved Shanti and said so…he said so repeatedly, whereas, Boris of the bus-stand never said anything. She knew that Boris looked at her now and then in the bus-stand, but never said anything, except that he was leaving for america. Reddy had been kind to Ana and later he has been kind to Shanti; and both of these girls had been seduced and duped by Boris. Shanti felt sorry for Ana, someone who had experienced exactly what she had gone through herself, a kindred soul !! Shanti realized that she owed a lot to Ana for marrying Reddy: Ana had kept Reddy warm in Michigan winters, gave him a purpose for his life when he was floundering, made him focus on his studies and work. And Ana had finally let Reddy go, a great sacrifice, just so Reddy could meet Shanti and fall in love. Shanti cursed herself for abusing her dear Reddy, asking him to go away until she would call him back….she had treated him almost like a servant. She was shocked at how she had acted. She had behaved like a spoilt brat. Shanti became very worried that if she called Reddy now and asked him to come back to her, he might refuse. And who could blame him, she thought. When he had laid his heart bare to her, she had trampled on it; and now he would have every reason never ever to see her face again. Shanti cried at what a mess she had made of her love by being so cruel to the only person who ever truly loved her. She cried out loud and sobbed. She didn't realize how many hours had passed since she had asked Reddy to get out.
Shanti had been in her own middle earth between all those raging thoughts and fatigued semi-conscious sleep. Then she thought she heard the front door of her apartment open. "<please …let that be Reddy coming back to me>", she prayed. Then she realized that Reddy does not have a key to her apartment. She heard a knock on her room door and then Patty's voice,"….Santeee…are you in there ?…". Shanti thought this may be a dream; but then she heard Patty again,"…Santee…I am coming in …". Then the door opened and the light went on.
Patty exclaimed,"….oh ..por dios…what happened ?….the living room is open…and kitchen fan running….and your beautiful sari on the floor...and look at you…were you crying ? did you have a fight with your novio ? ".
Shanti said,"…Hi Patty…oh..nothing..nothing…just tired and sleepy …that is all".
"What ?….then, why is your novio sitting outside the door ?… didn't want to open the door for him ?….or didn't you hear his knock ?", asked Patty.
Shanti thought she didn't hear it right. She asked," …is Reddy sitting outside ?…outside our apartment ?".
"…Yeeeaaah..", said Patty
, rolling her eyes,"…when I asked him if he wants to come in and wait for you inside….he said…he will wait outside until you came…..and I thought you had gone out…and he is waiting for you….".
"Oh my god…< he is waiting for me …he never went away…my dear love….>", said Shanti, and got up and rushed to the door.
Patty yelled from behind her,"…hey..hey.. chiquita !!...tus ropas ..".
Shanti didn't care; she went, opened the door wide enough to stick her head out, and saw Reddy sitting in the hallway. She said," …Reddy …please get up and come in…I am so sorry…come..…come in please.."
Reddy got up, looked at her in surprise, and came in. Patty was at the door of Shanti's room, holding Shanti's nightie in her hand, smiling at the both of them. Shanti ran up to Patty, grabbed her nightie off from Patty's hand and went into her room.
Patty came to Reddy winked and asked,"…fight ?". Reddy nodded,"yes". She patted his back, wished him good luck, and went to her room. After a few minutes, Reddy knocked on Shanti's door and went in. She had worn her slacks and a kurthi and seemed like she was ready to go out somewhere. "Reddy...Can I go home with you and stay there tonight ? ", she asked. "Yes, of course…", said Reddy. Then she took the bag she had already packed, went to the bathroom, collected some things, and came back. She then knocked on Patty's door, went in, then both girls came back out after 10 minutes. Patty came out to Reddy and did the usual cheek-touch-kissing noise, with:"..have a good thanksgiving...I will be off to chicago for a week...". Reddy took Shanti's bag. Then the girls hugged, Patty said her goodbye to Shanti,"take care….and be careful…OK?" and giggled.
When they were driving to Reddy's home, Reddy decided not to ask Shanti any questions or initiate discussions. He was happy that she had asked him to take her away, so that they can be together on their own. Her gesture itself seemed like she had somehow found a way, and she had reconciled to his history.
After they had been on the road for a while, Shanti turned and asked him,"….what do we do for dinner ?". Reddy said,"could we stop somewhere and pick up some take-out..?". "Why don't we ?…"suggested Shanti. Reddy knew a chinese restaurant near his house that he ordered take outs often. He asked Shanti to take the menu from the glove compartment and take a look. She took the menu and chose a few dishes; then she used his cellphone to place an order. They stopped at the restaurant before they went home with the food.
At home, Shanti wanted to take a bath, then cool down, before she ate. She noticed that the house looked and smelt different and clean. Reddy explained that he had cleaned the whole house, all the rooms, dusted and changed all the sheets on all the beds before Benny and Kamla came for the thanksgiving holidays.
"When are they coming ? "asked Shanti.
"They will be here tomorrow night", said Reddy.
"for how long ?"
"I think they will stay here for a couple of weeks……Kamla has to go and meet many of her friends...Sheila and her family will travel on wednesday night on the red-eye and be here early Thursday morning", said Reddy.
"…can I meet Sheila ?", asked Shanti.
"…yes..of course…you will be a guest in this house on Thanksgiving day…..and you can meet all of them...we will eat a late lunch....or very early dinner that day....I can come and pick you up that morning..", said Reddy.
Shanti smiled, paused, and asked him,"…Reddy….why are you so nice to me ?".
Reddy answered,"….because….I love you…that is why..".
Shanti was happy with that brief and sufficient answer.
Reddy had decided that it was not necessary to ask her for any explanations…until she was ready to give it to him on her own. Shanti hugged him for a few minutes and then asked him to show her the bathroom. Reddy took her to the bathroom upstairs and showed her where the towels are. The bathroom had separate shower stall and bathtub. Reddy had also bought bath salts and aromatic candles from Trader joe's in case Sheila wanted to take a long bath. Shanti smelt a couple of candles and decided that she will take a shower, then soak in the tub of hot water for a while. Reddy left her and went down to the kitchen. After about 20 minutes or so, he went back up, listened in on the bathroom door and called out,"Shantiii..are you ok in there?". She answered back,"… can come in...". Reddy went in and saw her sitting in the bathtub with a towel wrapped around her head. She hadn't used any candles. He smiled and said,"…I will bring you some wine…". He came back down to the kitchen, opened a red wine, took a pair of glasses and went back up to the bathroom. He placed the bathtub-tray across the tub, and sat on the floor towel, and poured the wine.
They tinkled the glasses and sipped. Reddy asked her again,"…are you doing ok ?", and she responded,"… a nice bath tub... and... also in love..", she smiled, closed her eyes and leaned back on the edge of the tub. He watched her face through the rising steam.
Reddy responded,"...yes...want me to warm up this water ? "
Shanti laughed..."yes, please.....go ahead...but I didn't ask that.."
Reddy opened the hot water tap to a steady stream, saying," ...tell me when..."
After a few minutes....Shanti said,"....ok...that is enough...but then, answer me....aren't you going to ask me anything ?"
Reddy replied,"…no..not really….. I had already said all I had to say…….you do not have to say anything at all….I love you….and I know you love me….and that is enough.."
Shanti smiled and reminded him,"….you said…I can choose a date….didn't you ?"
Reddy joked in reply,"… week is a holiday week...I am free the week after that.."
Reddy got a flick of water from her as a response
. Reddy was happy to have her back.
A little later, she asked him to hand her a towel and got out of the bath. Then she went to Reddy's room, dressed in her nightie, went down to the kitchen and waited for Reddy to come back from his shower.
That evening, they ate the take-out chinese food, drank the rest of the wine. And lots of water.
And when they went to bed, as Patty had advised them, they were careful.
Before she drifted off to sleep, Shanti said,"Reddy vochchindu, atta malli modala pettandi *".
Reddy said,"..hanh? ". She giggled and repeated what she had said.
Reddy agreed,"...good idea", and asked,"but who is the Reddy here ?"
Shanti replied,"we both are.."
Synopsis: Shanti reconciles and rejoins Reddy.
Munni's LIA - Episode 26
Shanti goes home
Shanti sobbed uncontrollably. She didn't know what had happened. That morning she was happy, in love, working hard to make the brunch for her dear Reddy, and had perfect control of things. In the evening, she had her head buried in her pillow, in tears, and was completely at a loss as to what her life was about. She wondered how Reddy could come in to her life, hug and kiss her a few times and then completely destroy her life. She had prayed to Sri Venkateshwara in Tirupathi that she will come there and pray, if Reddy's past secret had nothing to do with some incurable disease. And she'd do that, she had promised herself, even if Reddy had found the image of her body distasteful and decided never to see her again. She couldn't understand what had happened to her, to send her dear Reddy away, almost as if she did not want to see him again.
Note: Thoughts are in Chevrons < Thoughts > and words spoken out, are in quotes.
Suddenly she realized the cause of her misery. She had behaved like a "normal" young woman, something she could not ever afford. She had vitiligo!! Her chances of getting married to someone like Reddy, were very small to nil. Her father had spent money on laser treatments just to erase one small spot on her forehead, so that her problem was not so visible in a girl-dekko. She thought of her father,< ayyoo paavam…appa is like Mr. Bennet(from Pride and Prejudice)….he couldn't see me married off to some stupid person ….not to an old person, and certainly not to someone with children so that I will be a nurse-maid and slave for the rest of my life….he spent money on my M.A. and asked me to apply to foreign universities….he wanted me to escape and go far far away..and may be completely turn white and blend in with the locals…..>. She thought of her family in Chennai and felt homesick and lonely. She wanted to hug her mother and cry. And she remembered her first love.
Many years ago, when she had started going to college, one lanky boy at the bus-stand helped her board the bus to college every morning(episode 9). He did that everyday, for several months. He was tall and skinny. She remembered he had a mustache and a big nose. He wore nicely laundered clothes, and did not carry a book bag like a student. When Shanti and he were plastered against each other in the crowd of a bus, she could practically count his ribs: he was skinny. In those days, she had often dreamed about him….sometimes, even in class. That boy worked in some office job, and got off the bus before her college bus-stop. She had dreamed that one day he will come to her father and ask for her hand in marriage; then she would go away with him, she would cook and feed him well, and they would live happily ever after. However, what really happened was different: one day, he told her that he was going off to america. On an impulse she had given him her name and address so that he could write her letters. He never told her what his name was. She was too shy to ask. Later, she had thought she'd find out his name from his letters anyhow. She hoped he would write her long love letters and she would wait for him until he came back with his M.S. and got a job in Chennai. However, he never wrote any letters; he never came back with his M.S., got a job and married her. Shanti now realized that the boy from the bus-stand was her Boris. Someone who made a girl love him so dearly, and then suddenly went away and disappeared forever. Shanti cried a lot after her bus-stand Boris went away; she refused to go to college in a bus. Her brother bought her a 2nd hand moped so that she could go to college. She felt so sorry for her brother,< ayyo paavam…anna....I don't know what he had saved the money for…ended up buying me a 2 wheeler….all because of that nasty Boris..> she thought.
Then her thoughts ran back to her dear Reddy, who was not really like Boris of the bus-stand. Reddy was kind, gentle, and affectionate. Reddy was also strong, muscular and quite nice to hug. He loved Shanti and said so…he said so repeatedly, whereas, Boris of the bus-stand never said anything. She knew that Boris looked at her now and then in the bus-stand, but never said anything, except that he was leaving for america. Reddy had been kind to Ana and later he has been kind to Shanti; and both of these girls had been seduced and duped by Boris. Shanti felt sorry for Ana, someone who had experienced exactly what she had gone through herself, a kindred soul !! Shanti realized that she owed a lot to Ana for marrying Reddy: Ana had kept Reddy warm in Michigan winters, gave him a purpose for his life when he was floundering, made him focus on his studies and work. And Ana had finally let Reddy go, a great sacrifice, just so Reddy could meet Shanti and fall in love. Shanti cursed herself for abusing her dear Reddy, asking him to go away until she would call him back….she had treated him almost like a servant. She was shocked at how she had acted. She had behaved like a spoilt brat. Shanti became very worried that if she called Reddy now and asked him to come back to her, he might refuse. And who could blame him, she thought. When he had laid his heart bare to her, she had trampled on it; and now he would have every reason never ever to see her face again. Shanti cried at what a mess she had made of her love by being so cruel to the only person who ever truly loved her. She cried out loud and sobbed. She didn't realize how many hours had passed since she had asked Reddy to get out.
Shanti had been in her own middle earth between all those raging thoughts and fatigued semi-conscious sleep. Then she thought she heard the front door of her apartment open. "<please …let that be Reddy coming back to me>", she prayed. Then she realized that Reddy does not have a key to her apartment. She heard a knock on her room door and then Patty's voice,"….Santeee…are you in there ?…". Shanti thought this may be a dream; but then she heard Patty again,"…Santee…I am coming in …". Then the door opened and the light went on.
Patty exclaimed,"….oh ..por dios…what happened ?….the living room is open…and kitchen fan running….and your beautiful sari on the floor...and look at you…were you crying ? did you have a fight with your novio ? ".
Shanti said,"…Hi Patty…oh..nothing..nothing…just tired and sleepy …that is all".
"What ?….then, why is your novio sitting outside the door ?… didn't want to open the door for him ?….or didn't you hear his knock ?", asked Patty.
Shanti thought she didn't hear it right. She asked," …is Reddy sitting outside ?…outside our apartment ?".
"…Yeeeaaah..", said Patty
"Oh my god…< he is waiting for me …he never went away…my dear love….>", said Shanti, and got up and rushed to the door.
Patty yelled from behind her,"…hey..hey.. chiquita !!...tus ropas ..".
Shanti didn't care; she went, opened the door wide enough to stick her head out, and saw Reddy sitting in the hallway. She said," …Reddy …please get up and come in…I am so sorry…come..…come in please.."
Reddy got up, looked at her in surprise, and came in. Patty was at the door of Shanti's room, holding Shanti's nightie in her hand, smiling at the both of them. Shanti ran up to Patty, grabbed her nightie off from Patty's hand and went into her room.
Patty came to Reddy winked and asked,"…fight ?". Reddy nodded,"yes". She patted his back, wished him good luck, and went to her room. After a few minutes, Reddy knocked on Shanti's door and went in. She had worn her slacks and a kurthi and seemed like she was ready to go out somewhere. "Reddy...Can I go home with you and stay there tonight ? ", she asked. "Yes, of course…", said Reddy. Then she took the bag she had already packed, went to the bathroom, collected some things, and came back. She then knocked on Patty's door, went in, then both girls came back out after 10 minutes. Patty came out to Reddy and did the usual cheek-touch-kissing noise, with:"..have a good thanksgiving...I will be off to chicago for a week...". Reddy took Shanti's bag. Then the girls hugged, Patty said her goodbye to Shanti,"take care….and be careful…OK?" and giggled.
When they were driving to Reddy's home, Reddy decided not to ask Shanti any questions or initiate discussions. He was happy that she had asked him to take her away, so that they can be together on their own. Her gesture itself seemed like she had somehow found a way, and she had reconciled to his history.
After they had been on the road for a while, Shanti turned and asked him,"….what do we do for dinner ?". Reddy said,"could we stop somewhere and pick up some take-out..?". "Why don't we ?…"suggested Shanti. Reddy knew a chinese restaurant near his house that he ordered take outs often. He asked Shanti to take the menu from the glove compartment and take a look. She took the menu and chose a few dishes; then she used his cellphone to place an order. They stopped at the restaurant before they went home with the food.
At home, Shanti wanted to take a bath, then cool down, before she ate. She noticed that the house looked and smelt different and clean. Reddy explained that he had cleaned the whole house, all the rooms, dusted and changed all the sheets on all the beds before Benny and Kamla came for the thanksgiving holidays.
"When are they coming ? "asked Shanti.
"They will be here tomorrow night", said Reddy.
"for how long ?"
"I think they will stay here for a couple of weeks……Kamla has to go and meet many of her friends...Sheila and her family will travel on wednesday night on the red-eye and be here early Thursday morning", said Reddy.
"…can I meet Sheila ?", asked Shanti.
"…yes..of course…you will be a guest in this house on Thanksgiving day…..and you can meet all of them...we will eat a late lunch....or very early dinner that day....I can come and pick you up that morning..", said Reddy.
Shanti smiled, paused, and asked him,"…Reddy….why are you so nice to me ?".
Reddy answered,"….because….I love you…that is why..".
Shanti was happy with that brief and sufficient answer.
Reddy had decided that it was not necessary to ask her for any explanations…until she was ready to give it to him on her own. Shanti hugged him for a few minutes and then asked him to show her the bathroom. Reddy took her to the bathroom upstairs and showed her where the towels are. The bathroom had separate shower stall and bathtub. Reddy had also bought bath salts and aromatic candles from Trader joe's in case Sheila wanted to take a long bath. Shanti smelt a couple of candles and decided that she will take a shower, then soak in the tub of hot water for a while. Reddy left her and went down to the kitchen. After about 20 minutes or so, he went back up, listened in on the bathroom door and called out,"Shantiii..are you ok in there?". She answered back,"… can come in...". Reddy went in and saw her sitting in the bathtub with a towel wrapped around her head. She hadn't used any candles. He smiled and said,"…I will bring you some wine…". He came back down to the kitchen, opened a red wine, took a pair of glasses and went back up to the bathroom. He placed the bathtub-tray across the tub, and sat on the floor towel, and poured the wine.
They tinkled the glasses and sipped. Reddy asked her again,"…are you doing ok ?", and she responded,"… a nice bath tub... and... also in love..", she smiled, closed her eyes and leaned back on the edge of the tub. He watched her face through the rising steam.
A bathtub tray with stemware slot
After a few minutes, Shanti took another sip of her wine and asked Reddy,"…aren't you going to ask me anything ?"Reddy responded,"...yes...want me to warm up this water ? "
Shanti laughed..."yes, please.....go ahead...but I didn't ask that.."
Reddy opened the hot water tap to a steady stream, saying," ...tell me when..."
After a few minutes....Shanti said,"....ok...that is enough...but then, answer me....aren't you going to ask me anything ?"
Reddy replied,"…no..not really….. I had already said all I had to say…….you do not have to say anything at all….I love you….and I know you love me….and that is enough.."
Shanti smiled and reminded him,"….you said…I can choose a date….didn't you ?"
Reddy joked in reply,"… week is a holiday week...I am free the week after that.."
Reddy got a flick of water from her as a response
A little later, she asked him to hand her a towel and got out of the bath. Then she went to Reddy's room, dressed in her nightie, went down to the kitchen and waited for Reddy to come back from his shower.
That evening, they ate the take-out chinese food, drank the rest of the wine. And lots of water.
And when they went to bed, as Patty had advised them, they were careful.
Before she drifted off to sleep, Shanti said,"Reddy vochchindu, atta malli modala pettandi *".
Reddy said,"..hanh? ". She giggled and repeated what she had said.
Reddy agreed,"...good idea", and asked,"but who is the Reddy here ?"
Shanti replied,"we both are.."
*The head-man has come, get the play (Theatre) to start all over from the beginning.
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