Synopsis: Reddy and Shanti go out to breakfast and come to an understanding.
Munni's LIA - Episode 24
Coming to an Understanding
Shanti woke up a little before 7 AM. Hazy sunlight was already seeping through the window shade in her room. She turned towards Reddy to see how he was doing. He was sleeping on his stomach, head turned away from her. One of his legs was outside the cover sheet. She sat up, slid down the mattress' end and got on her knees on the carpet. She adjusted the covers over his leg. Then she went around his mattress and sat on the floor, and studied his sleeping face for a while. She wanted to touch him; but stopped short. "I love you…you…Reddy, Gandi, Junior, Munni, Boy, Munagala ", she said softly. Then, after a few more minutes of studying his face, she got up slowly and tip-toe'd out of the room.
After mixing two mugs of coffee with milk (Reddy didn't use sugar at the restaurant, she remembered), Shanti went to her room to see if Reddy was still sleeping. She set the coffee mugs on her desk and sat next to him on the floor, looked at his face again and wondered whether she ought to wake him or not. Eventually she decided to wake him, thinking, he might have things to do on a Sunday afternoon at home. She placed her hand on his back, pressed and shook him gently and bent close to his face and called out his name. He woke up and turned over; her hand moved from his back to the front and remained on his chest. "Good morning", Reddy said, taking her hand in his. "Good morning…I made some coffee", said Shanti. However, Reddy tugged at her hand, and she let herself fall beside him. He hugged her and said,"..a better morning than yesterday's". Shanti blushed as his arm had brushed over her chest to give her a pleasant jolt. She asked,"…… you have to get home and do something this morning ?". Reddy said,"…no..nothing in particular…I have to rake and bag leaves in the yard…and that is about it….oh…and then do laundry…".
After a while, they both got up. Reddy moved the mattress back on top of the other and Shanti made her bed. Reddy sat on the floor next to the bed and enjoyed his coffee. Then he said,"..why don't we go out and have breakfast ….may be at the same Seva…place". Shanti thought that would be a good idea, and besides, that would get Reddy off the premises, if Patty were to wake up early just that once, and got all excited by her venezuelan TV star look-alike in his red silks. Reddy went to the bathroom, got cleaned up and dressed. Shanti got got dressed in jeans and full sleeve kurthi. They walked to the car to put Reddy's bag back in the trunk and then walked to the restaurant. Shanti was happy and even somewhat thrilled at the speed of the developments: Seva restaurant seemed like the scene of a crime.......of heart gashing.
In just one week, Sunday-to-Sunday, they had met for the first time, went on a nature-walk, thought about each other a lot, she suffered a bout of cosmetology, he worked in cleaning and cooking at home, she tasted his biryani and swooned at his notice of even her nails, then they went to the movies, she saw him cry at the movies, they held hands in the dark and later when it was not so dark, then he introduced her to his basketball buddies and to tio/tia Pepe, she tasted wine for the first time, kissed him for the first time, then brought him home to sleep in her room and then there they were, walking hand-in-hand into the same restaurant they had first met, just a week ago.
When Shanti was in the middle of her breakfast, she suddenly exclaimed,"oh my god, I totally forgot ". She was to have skype-called her brother at midnight. Reddy produced his cell phone and asked her to call them at home, since it was still sunday evening in Chennai. He dialled the prefix, 0119144, and asked her to dial the home number and talk to them. She called her home, and talked to her brother and apologised for forgetting to log into skype. Then, when they continued to chat, she laughed out at a few things he had said..with a few "really"s and a few "sooo sweet"s. Then she talked to her Telugu. Reddy continued eating, but heard snippets. Shanti held his left hand and smiled at Reddy, as she said to her mother," he had not called..", and then," probably busy...amma.....ok..ok..I will be polite and respectful.....yes..amma....not flippant...I promise....that is...if he calls..". Soon after that, she finished her call and gave Reddy his phone back with," thank you...they were a little worried that I wasn't logged on at midnight".
Shanti had taken digital photos of herself, and photoshopped some of her white patches to larger and larger areas and made some images. Those would require a lot of love on Reddy's part even to look at on a computer screen, let alone on her body. She wanted him to see at least a couple of those pictures and know how she might change, and reconfirm his love for her. For now, their plan for saturday made, they completed their breakfast and returned home. When Reddy said good bye to her at her door, she said,"..Reddy...please dont worry too much, I love you and we can deal with whatever..". Reddy kissed her gently and said,"yes, I know.. I love you too", before he walked to his car to drive home.
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